
Showing posts from March, 2024

​Happy Easter Greetings From Dcns. Wonuola Aderigbigbe Oshinowo.

By Araba, Olawale Enifenilanfe: Easter Sunday marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ and is the culmination of Holy Week, which is preceded by Lent, a 40-day period of fasting. On this note, APC Lagos East Senatorial Woman Leader, Dcns. Wonuola Oshinowo has sent her heartfelt wishes of the resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth for a peaceful and blessed Easter, filled with love and togetherness.  May the hope and promise of Easter inspire everyone to embrace new beginnings and pursue dreams with courage, amen 🙏🏻. Happy Easter Sunday 2024: Courtesy:  Dcns. Wonuola Aderigbigbe Oshinowo, APC Lagos East Senatorial Woman Leader. LaRoyal CommunityNews  Copyright © 2024.


REJOICE! EASTER BRINGS HOPE Easter is the occassion when we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of calvary.His blood shed on the cross of calvary signifies a message of forgiveness,love and compassion. As we celebrate this year's Easter, I want to remind everyone that this season brings us a message of hope. The resurrection of Jesus Christ represents the triumph of good over evil, and the conquering of death by life. It's a message that inspires us to never give up, no matter how tough the challenges we face may be. In these trying times, we need hope more than ever. The current situation has affected all our lives, and many of us have lost loved ones or experienced financial hardships. But let us take heart in the fact that the Easter message is one of resilience and new beginnings. Let us use this season to renew our faith, hope, and love for one another. May we extend a hand of kindness to those in need, and spread joy wherever we go.

Happy Ester Greetings From Rep. Jimi Benson.

​ This time of the year highlights the selfless act of Jesus Christ and the hope of redemption that is available to all.  Easter is a reminder to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who died on the cross and rose  that we might have eternal life.  As we celebrate Easter  in Ikorodu Federal Constituency and across the globe, I pray for God's abundant blessings, love, and peace on us all.  Amen May this Easter bring warmth and joy to you and your loved ones.  Happy Easter! Rep. Babajimi Benson, MHR

Ester Sunday Greetings from Senator Abiru.

​ I join all Christians in Lagos East Senatorial District and beyond, in celebrating this year’s Easter, which symbolises the Life and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  As we celebrate this solemn commemoration of the Lord Jesus Christ’s death and his glorious resurrection, we should live peacefully with all men as admonished in the holy scriptures. The times are indeed tough. As a conscientious leader, I feel your pains amidst the soaring price inflation of essential commodities. I urge that we should show understanding with our dear President, His Excellency, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR as his administration makes frantic efforts to reposition our nation on the path of sustainable growth and development. Happy Easter Celebrations!.  *Senator Mukhail Adetokunbo and Mrs Feyisola Abiru* *Chairman, Senate Committee on Banking, Insurance and other Financial Institutions.* *Chairman, Southern Senators' Forum* *Federal Republic of Nigeria*

​Dcns. Wonuola Aderigbigbe Oshinowo Congratulates Rep. Jimi Benson @52nd Birthday

LaRoyal CommunityNews: The Lagos East Senatorial Woman Leader, Deaconess Wonuola Aderigbigbe Oshinowo felicitates with Hon. Babajimi Adegoke Benson, MHR, Ikorodu Federal House of Representatives Member on his 52nd Birthday. Your performance on duty has attracted growth and road infrastructural development to Ikorodu. “The entire Ikorodu so much appreciate you, JB”. Thank you for being a good representation at the green chamber.  Wishing you all the best. Congratulations 🇳🇬🎊💚. Acknowledged: APC Lagos East Senatorial Woman Leader, Deaconess Wonuola Aderigbigbe Oshinowo

​Hon. Jimi Benson Flags-off Lambo Lasunwon Road Construction

By Araba, Olawale Enifenilanfe: Ikorodu Federal House of Representatives Member, Hon. Babajimi Adegoke Benson, MHR has flagged off Lambo Lasunwon road construction in Ikorodu North Local Council Development Area (LCDA) today, March 30th, 2024.  In his address, Mayor Muyideen Sanwoola urged the stakeholders, landlords, tenants, and youths not to disturb the contractor in charge during the road construction, so that they can get the value at the end.  Sanwoola urged the residents to be patient during the road construction, saying that no pain, no gain; as the road will increase the value on their properties  The GAC member, Senator Adeseye Ogunlewe also in his address urged the CDA and CDC to make sure they participate effectively during the election to attract more growth and development in Ikorodu Division. The Ikorodu North LCDA Executive Chairman, Builder Adeola Adebisi Banjo commended Hon. Babajimi Benson for facilitating two roads to the LCDA in one month.  Builder Banjo assured th

Hon. Jimi Benson Felicitate With President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s 72nd Birthday.

​ I offer my sincere congratulations to HE, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR on the occasion of his birthday. Your assiduous efforts in transforming the economic and socio-political landscape of Nigeria are praiseworthy and gradually achieving the renewed hope Agenda. You have always been an exemplary and quintessential leader, shrewd and consummate politician, practical and audacious trailblazer in leadership  I am confident that with God on your side, and with the support, perseverance, and prayers of Nigerians, a greater and more prosperous country will be realized under your administration. May the good Lord continue to guide and guard you in good health to fulfill our ambition of Nigeria attaining sustainable development and stability. Happy birthday, sir. Rep. Babajimi Benson, MHR

​Senator Abiru Celebrates Hon. Babajimi Adegoke Benson On His Birthday

On behalf of the good people of the Lagos East Senatorial District, I congratulate my dear brother, Hon. Babajimi Adegoke Benson,  Honourable member of the Federal House of Representatives (Ikorodu Federal Republic), on his birthday. I celebrate many accomplishments of Hon Benson as an astute lawmaker and also his strides at the Ikorodu Federal Constituency. I am proud of the quality representation  he is  providing for our people in Ikorodu Division, particularly various enduring projects he has attracted to the division. On this day, I join his family,  his associates and well-wishers in wishing him a happy birthday. May Almighty God grant him more years in sound health and prosperity. Ameen. Congratulations! Senator Mukhail Adetokunbo and Mrs Feyisola Abiru Chairman, Senate Committee on Banking, Insurance and other Financial Institutions. Chairman, Southern Senators' Forum, Federal Republic of Nigeria 🇳🇬 

Senator Abiru @60th: LaRoyal CommunityNews Felicitate — Over 10,000 Food-Packs Distribution.

By Araba, Olawale Enifenilanfe: Birhtday celebration is another unique ways of uniting with friends, colleagues, associate and reachingout to the vulnerable.  Over Ten Thousand food-packs were distributed to the vulnerable across the Lagos East Senatorial District in celebration of His birthday today, March 25th, 2024 despite it has been registered to be distributing food-packs as a relief package on quarterly basis, which is a result of giving back to the communities. The Lagos East Senatorial jurisdictional coverage areas entails Ikorodu, Kosofe, Somolu, Ibeju-Lekki and Epe Local Government areas.  I hereby rejoice with Distinguished Senator Mukhail Adetokunbo Abiru on His 60th Golden Jubilee Diamond. Happy Birthday To The Lagos -East Senatorial Distinguished Legislator, Happy Birthday to Ikorodu, Kosofe, Somolu, Epe, and Ibeju-Lekki Local Government Areas.  Lugbalugba Odun wishes in good health and more greater achievement, Sir. *Congratulations and God bless 🎊🎉🍾 *  *Signed:* Amb


It’s such an honor to be able to  share and be a part of your birthday  celebrations, as you are one of the  greatest political minds around. May I take this opportunity to thank you for all the hard work that you are doing in the 16 LG/LCDA that make up LAGOS EAST SENATORIAL DISTRICT, for keeping everything running so smoothly vis-a-vis your duties as a LAWMAKER in the HOUSE of NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, also as CHAIRMAN house committee on financial institutions, bringing dividend of democracy to the people with your various welfare and humanitarian people oriented programs at Sail Hub, the Quarterly Doing Good Food Packs to the vulnerables, Rural electrification of communities, Financial grant/soft loan to traders, Bursary awards to students, building of mini stadium across Lagos East Senatorial District and for leading our constituency with such care and GRACE. Happy birthday to the greatest political leader history has ever seen in Lagos East Senatorial District! Your direction and leaders

​Celebrating Senator Tokunbo Abiru @ 60: A Resounding Salute to an Exceptional Leader!

By Enitan Olukotun Senator Mukhail Adetokunbo Abiru, the Chairman, Senate Committee on Banking, Insurance and other Financial Institutions in the 10th Senate and the  Senator representing Lagos East Senatorial district is a man of extraordinary passion for the development of his people, his pursuit of excellence has driven him to a point where nothing but the best is good enough for him.  Before his sojourn at the Red Chamber, Tokunbo Abiru had carved out a stellar career in banking, ascending to the pinnacle of his career as the Managing Director of Polaris Bank. He retired in 2020 after lifting Polaris Bank from the verge of bankruptcy to enviable heights. In just a little under four years, Senator Abiru has revolutionized the governance narrative in Lagos East Senatorial District, his leadership style is characterised by a deliberate championing of impactful programmes that seeks to uplift the welfare of his people by way of direct interventions and constituency services. Famously r

Hon. Waheed Animashaun Ikorodu APC LGA Party Chairman Rejoice With Senator Tokunbo Abiru's 60th Birthday.

​ The All Progressives Congress Chairman and Members in Ikorodu Central rejoice and celebrate our distinguished Senator Adetokunbo Mukhail Abiru, Chairman House Committee on Banking, Financial Institutions and Insurance matters.  Chairman Apc South West Senate Caucus on his 60th birthday. Our Doing Good Senator came with an exemplary scientific approach to societal development which transient immediate chop-chop approach our people are used to. These seeds planted are now germinating to enviable and indelible long-term prosperity. ONLY THE DEEP ARE CALLED INTO THE DEEP. We appreciate and celebrate you sir, and wish you many more years full of vigour, good health and Grace. HAPPY 60TH BIRTHDAY SIR AND SEE YOU AT THE TOP. SIGNED: W. ANIMASHAUN CHAIRMAN.

​Ikorodu, Kosofe Communities Appreciate Senator Tokunbo Abiru For Facilitating Transformers

Residents of Awofusi Community Development Association, Erunwen, Ikorodu and Adebare Community in Kosofe, have expressed profound gratitude to Senator Mukhail Adetokunbo Abiru, FCA, the Senator representing Lagos East Senatorial District for facilitating the provision and installation of transformers to their communities. Other communities under Lagos East that also benefitted from the recent supply and installations of transformers include: Owolowo Street and adjoining areas close to Ikorodu Town Hall and communities under Exclusives Community Development Association, Igbogbo. Senator Abiru who has been impacting various communities under the Lagos East Senatorial District, with various projects like: mini-stadia, sports complex, markets and solar-powered street lights amongst others, had earlier provided transformers in the following communities: 1. Ifelodun CDA, Igbogbo-Bayeku 2. Magodo Community CDA Oke Ota Ona, Ikorodu 3. Ikorodu GRA 2, Ibeshe Igbogbo-Bayeku 4. Ifeloju Abule Eko,I

​NASFAT Honours Jimi Benson with Ramadan Lecture

By Araba, Olawale Enifenilanfe:  (Nasrul-Lahi-L-Fatih Society), NASFAT Ikorodu branch has honoured Jimi Benson with a Ramadan Public Lecture for his contributions towards the growth and development of Ikorodu Federal Constituency.  Hon. Benson as part of his kind gesture, pledged handsomely towards the procurement of a state-of-the-art facility for the NASFAT Health Centre, Ikorodu branch. Rep. Jimi Benson, who was represented at the occasion by the Director-General, Mayor Muyideen Sanwoola ensured the distribution of over 500 food packs to Muslim brothers and sisters for the Ramadan fast and urged the Muslims to continue to pray for the success of President Bola Tinubu's administration. While speaking on the topic,  “Keeping Fit and Healthy” from an Islamic perspective, Islamic cleric, Sheikh Bukhary Yahya Salaty emphasized the importance of keeping fit, adding that eating balanced diet will also prolong the life span. In his remarks, Mayor Muyideen Sanwoola,  appreciated everyone


​ 20-03-2024. Office of the Executive Chairman.  Hon. Sulaimon Kazeem empowered a youth and gave Financial assistance to 250 Households in Ikorodu West LCDA yesterday.  Hon.Sulaimon Kazeem Olanrewaju    FCA FCTI,Executive Chairman Ikorodu West LCDA empowered Sunday Adekoya, a deserving youth with a motorbike worth a million Naira,he also gave    financial assistance to 250 households in Ikorodu West LCDA.  The empowerment    and cash distribution aimed to bring relief and assistance to the community during these challenging times. Eleyinju    Anu,expressed his gratitude to the leaders, traditional rulers, artisans, and the entire community for entrusting him with their mandate to serve. The Cash Empowerment Initiative cut across all five wards of the Local Council Development Area to ensure inclusivity and it was divided into two batches comprising of Ward C D E which took place    yesterday, March 19,2024 and Thursday, March 21, 2024. for Ward Aand B respectively.The goal is to empowe

SKO Felicitate With Captain Benson

​ Honourable Sulaimon Kazeem Olanrewaju  FCA FCTI,Executive Chairman Ikorodu West LCDA led his Legislators and Executive members to felicitates with Captain Benson on his belated birthday today. Chairman prays for longevity and good health of mind and body for leader Captain Benson. In his remarks,Captain Benson appreciates Eleyinju Anu and his entourage for such visitation and pray for more joyous celebrations ahead. *S.K.O MEDIA TEAM*

Rep. Babajimi Benson in Synergy with NAFRC Pronounce Entrepreneurship Training For The Youths

​ As part of efforts to empower youths in Ikorodu Division, iCare Foundation of Rep. Babajimi Benson in collaboration with Nigerian Armed Forces Resettlement Centre, NAFRC is pleased to announce an  entrepreneurship training opportunity for youths in Ikorodu Federal Constituency.  Suitably qualified candidates are invited to participate in a 6-week intensive training in various vocational areas.  The training will cover a wide range of skills, including fish production, poultry production, rabbit and grass cutters breeding, snail production, baking, plumbing and pipe fitting, photography, and information technology (basic). Interested applicants can apply through: *Application opens:* Tuesday, 19th March, 2024 by 4pm *Application closes:* Thursday, 21st March, 2024 by 3pm. *Training commences:* Thursday, 4th April, 2024 at Armed Forces Resettlement Centre, Oshodi, Lagos.    Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Senator Tokunbo Abiru's Quarterly Foodpack Programme for Lagos East Senatorial District.

Deeply concerned about the current hardships in the nation, particularly the soaring cost of food items, which has become unaffordable for many of my esteemed constituents, I have decided to forgo all social activities to mark my 60th birthday. Instead, I have chosen to celebrate by providing food packs to several vulnerable families in Lagos East Senatorial District. To nominate a vulnerable  person in your community who needs support, follow these steps: Click on the link: **  Fill out the simple form with their details. Submit your nomination.  *Please note that only selected nominees will be notified.*  The nomination entry closes on *23rd March 2024.* *#TokunboAbiruIsDoingGood*

​Happy birthday to the Honourable and extraordinary Hakeem Taoreed FCA, ACA.

Your immediate Ikorodu Constituency II, Lagos State House of Assembly aspiration experience adds to your remarkable journey, making you even more admirable and inspiring. A true friend, confidant, and brother! Your excellence as a civil servant and your loving nature make every day brighter. Wishing you a day filled with joy, laughter, and all the happiness you deserve. Thank you for being the incredible person you are. Cheers to many more years of blessings and friendship! *T.O.D.*

​Lagos Senate Caucus Pays Courtesy Visit To First Lady, Senator Oluremi Tinubu At Villa, Assures Senate's Commitment To Fight Against Insecurity

Senator Mukhail Adetokunbo Abiru, FCA (Lagos East), on Thursday led distinguished Senators from Lagos State, Senator Wasiu Eshinlokun(Lagos Central) and Senator (Dr) Idiat Oluranti Adebule on a courtesy to the First Lady of Nigeria, Her Excellency, Senator (Mrs) Oluremi Tinubu, CON, at the Presidential Villa, Abuja. Abiru, the Chairman Southern Senators’ Forum, while addressing journalists assured Nigerians that the reforms of President  Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, were on course at putting the nation on a solid footing of economic wellbeing and lasting prosperity. According to him, the economic hardship being experienced by Nigerians are largely caused by wrong policy choices of past administrations, which the current government is trying to correct.  The First Lady appealed to the lawmakers to lead the process in enacting security related laws to stem the tide of the crime, urging Nigerians to exercise patience with the President in his quest at ensuring that Nigeria returns to the path

​Learning From The Leadership Keeps Me Going — Says Aarebirin Hon Princess (Dr) Folashade Olabanji-Oba.

By Araba, Olawale Enifenilanfe: In regards to “Grow Ikorodu Movement Project Now and Beyond”, Hon.Princess (Dr) Folashade Olabanji-Oba has pronounced that one of the things that keeps her going in politics is that she is truly blessed to have her leadership. “I'm learning a lot from my leaders”, she said. Going thereby, “I want to talk about my principal, my chairman, Hon. Wasiu Ayodeji Adesina; I've learned a lot”.  It’s been a learning experience for me for the past seven years, “I don't care what people say, Ikorodu Local Government is the best Local Government in Nigeria”. And so, “I see that and I’m okay with it. It is just one's heart bleeds for someone”, She said. Plus that, and what she intends to do, she wants his principal Executive officer to also be proud of her vision “Grow Ikorodu Movement” 2025 as she planned to make Ikorodu proud. “We've done well and It's a continuity of greatness, better Ikorodu to the world, she envisage.  She added, that for

Hon. Benson congratulates Senator Abiru as Chairman Southern Senators Forum.

​ I extend my heartfelt congratulations to my brother and Chairman of the Senate committee on Banking, Insurance, and other Financial Institutions, Senator Adetokunbo Abiru, on his election as the Chairman of the Southern Senators' Forum. Senator Abiru's unanimous election by the 54 Senators from the 17 southern states is a testament to his proactive, pragmatic, and industrious personality. His dedication to ensuring success on national assignments is commendable. As a true son of Ikorodu, Senator Abiru continues to raise the flag high, contributing significantly to the growth and development of Nigeria. I have no doubt that he will once again deploy his boardroom experience to achieving a more vibrant and resourceful Forum in support of the renewed hope Agenda of President Bola Tinubu.   May the Almighty grant you the wisdom, knowledge and understanding to steer the affairs of the Forum in the right direction. Rep. Babajimi Benson, MHR

Aarebirin Hon Princess (Dr)Folashade Olabanji-Oba Congratulates Senator Adetokunbo Abiru FCA on His Emergence as Chairman, Southern Senators Forum

Dear Most Distinguished Senator Mukhail Adetokunbo Abiru FCA, Congratulations on your well-deserved appointment as Chairman of the Southern Senators Forum. Your leadership, dedication, and commitment to serving your constituents have earned you this prestigious position.  ## #A Leader with Vision and Integrity Your extensive and awesome experience in the field of banking, your stellar career as the Managing Director of Polaris Bank, and your contributions as the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Insurance, and other Financial Institutions, showcase your exceptional leadership qualities.  ## #Serving the Southern Region and Beyond I have no doubt that you will bring wisdom, integrity, and vision to your new role, advancing the interests of the Southern region and the nation as a whole. Your commitment to championing the course of Nigeria and Nigerians is commendable, and I am confident that you will work tirelessly to move our beloved country forward sir. ## #A Platform for P

Senator Tokunbo Abiru Emerges As Chairman Southern Senators’ Forum

The Chairman, Senate committee on Banking, Insurance and other Financial Institutions , Distinguished Senator Mukhail Adetokunbo Abiru, FCA (Lagos East), has emerged as the Chairman, Southern Senators’ Forum.  54 Senators from the 17 Southern states unanimously elected Senator Abiru as their Chairman.  Senator Abiru, an accomplished economist and accountant, had a stellar  career in banking, ultimately reaching  the pinnacle of his profession as the Managing Director of Polaris Bank, before he retired in 2020, and later joined the race for the Lagos East by-election contest. He was the Chairman of the standing Committee on Industries in the 9th Senate. Six other Executives were also elected to steer the affairs of the Southern Senators Forum. The immediate past Chairman of the Forum, who is also the Leader of the 10th Senate, Senator Michael Opeyemi Bamidele(Ekiti Central), in his remarks said:" The new Chairman as unanimously agreed by Southern Senators is Senator Adetokunbo Abir

​2025 LG Aspiration: I Am A Neutral Being For Now — Primary Election & Party Decides.

By Araba, Olawale Enifenilanfe. Politics in Nigeria is not a game of do-or-die affairs, it is a game of selfless services and transformation through giving back to your political community (The vulnerable at the grassroots level).  It is just like a game of chess where you observe as King and Queen, rightfully position yourself for opportunities, give to the needy, and coordinate as a leader with the backup of your political godfathers.  There are protocols in the game of politics, while Party Superiority supersedes all aspiration after Party primaries election. Also, be mindful that the political mirage parties are as well citizens. Unite and Managing the yardstick will propel you to your heart-desired limelight. “Political Leadership supersedes according to the Party constitution”. Same starting position, but always a different game, no chance involved in the battle of two minds, so you are the only one to blame if you lose, easy to learn and hard to play.  Chess game like the Champi

​Road Reconstruction: Rep. Jimi Benson Facilitates Lambo Lasunwon Road To Start On Before Ramadan Deadline

Edited: Relief is coming to the residents of Lambo – Lasunwon Community, also called First Gate, which is directly opposite the Lagos State University of Science and Technology (LASUSTECH), formerly Lagos State Polytechnic, as it has been revealed that the road leading into the community has been approved for construction. Approval of the road project,    which has turned life in the community into a nightmare and adversely affecting the social and economic lives of residents, was announced by Mayor Muhydeen Sanwoola, Director General of the iCare Foundation which is the operational arm of the representative of the Ikorodu Federal Constituency, Rep. Babajimi Benson. Sanwoola announced that contractor will be moving into site to commence the construction before the end of the ongoing Ramadan fasting, while responding to the plea by a resident of the area and the General Sectary, LASPOTECH Alumni Association, Lagos branch, Mr Temidayo Hassan, on THE IMPACT WhatsApp platform. “Urgent appe

Happy Birthday Otunba Olasunkanmi Tijani

On behalf of my family and the people of the Lagos East Senatorial District, I congratulate the All Progressives Congres, APC, Chairman, Ikorodu Division, *Otunba Olasunkanmi Tijani* , on the occasion of his birthday. On this auspicious occasion, I join his family, associates in wishing him a happy birthday.I pray that Almighty God grants him long life in sound health and prosperity. Congratulations! *Senator Mukhail Adetokunbo and Mrs Feyisola Abiru* *Chairman, Senate Committee on Banking, Insurance and other* *Financial Institutions.* *Federal Republic of Nigeria.*

Happy Peaceful Ramadan Kareem — Dcns. Wonuola Aderibigbe Oshinowo Wishes Global Muslim Brothers & Sisters

By Araba, Olawale Enifenilanfe The Lagos East APC Senatorial Woman Leader, Dcns. Wonuola Aderibigbe Oshinowo wishes the Muslim sisters and brothers in Islam across the globe Happy Ramadan Kareem as they activate the holy month of Islamic fasting and prayer today, Monday, March 11th, 2024.  In the spirit of Ramadan wishes, “I crave the indulgence of all the Muslim sisters and brothers to use this Holy month of Ramadan as spiritual force to pray for peace in Lagos East Senatorial District which entails Ikorodu, Kosofe, Somolu, Epe, and Ibeju-Lekki jurisdictionally; Lagos State at large (IBILE), Nigeria our country, and globally, most especially in troubled countries for peaceful coexistence and effective flow global business attractions. “I want to believe the Holy month of Ramadan is the period that wicked and evil forces are subdue, and those of pleasant heavens are opened for mercy and forgiveness”. Best wishes to all global Muslim brothers and sisters from Lagos East Senatorial Distr

​Residents commend JB over 40 roads completion

I acknowledge commendation note on Rep. Babajimi Benson.  However, kindly find the accurate and updated list of roads facilitated by the honourable in 9 years.  One notable area of focus for Rep. Babajimi Benson has been road infrastructure. His efforts began with the facilitation of the Ikorodu-Sagamu road, and subsequently expanded to include the construction of numerous internal roads within the Ikorodu Division. In total, he has successfully overseen the completion of 40 roads, all equipped with solar street lights and currently two additional road projects underway. The 40 completed roads with solar street lights are:- 1.Igbe road now babajimi benson road Igbogbo baiyeku, 2. Ayangbadejo street Sabo Ikorodu central, 3. Ajeboriogbon street, Sabo Ikorodu central, 4. Kaz avenue Sabo, Ikorodu central, 5. Nike olubodun street, Sabo Ikorodu central,  6. Ajoke oduyebo street, Sabo Ikorodu central, 7. Alashe street off police barracks Ikorodu central, 8. Igbamitayo street Ikorodu central,